Omar Elshinnawey

Six Days in Barcelona

I’ve been wanting to go to Barcelona for a long time. This year, I finally got the chance to visit this magical city. In this post, I detail some highlights of the six days of my journey.

The city’s architecture and narrow alleys really shine when the sun is up Alley in front of the hotel

Casa Batlló

Casa Batlló is one of the famous masterpieces designed by Gaudí. The residence was redesigned in 1906.

  • Interior of the residence

    Interior of the residence

  • Casa Batlló roof terrace

    Casa Batlló roof terrace

  • Chimneys decorated with colored ceramic

    Chimneys decorated with colored ceramic

  • Chain-clad staircase

    Chain-clad staircase

Sagrada Familia

  • Another Gaudí masterpiece. The massive basilica's construction started on 1882 and is not finished to this day.

    Another Gaudí masterpiece. The massive basilica's construction started on 1882 and is not finished to this day.

  • Each side of the basilica represents a different era or saga, each having different sculputre styles and high level of detail

    Each side of the basilica represents a different era or saga, each having different sculputre styles and high level of detail

  • Each side of the basilica represents a different era or saga, each having different sculpture styles and a high level of detail

    Each side of the basilica represents a different era or saga, each having different sculpture styles and a high level of detail

  • If you visit the basilica, be sure to go up one of the towers - View from the Nativity Tower

    If you visit the basilica, be sure to go up one of the towers - View from the Nativity Tower

  • The staircase down was narrow and long

    The staircase down was narrow and long

Recinte Modernista de Sant Pau

When you come out of Sagrada Familia, take a walk through Gaudi Avenue until you reach Hospital de Sant Pau.

  • The historical hospital built between 1905 and 1930

    The historical hospital built between 1905 and 1930

  • Sant Rafael Pavilion

    Sant Rafael Pavilion

  • Sant Salvador Pavilion

    Sant Salvador Pavilion

La Pedrera-Casa Milà

  • Another Gaudi Masterpiece. Spectacular view from the roof top

    Another Gaudi Masterpiece. Spectacular view from the roof top

  • A sample of the interior exhibit showcasing the furniture and home office

    A sample of the interior exhibit showcasing the furniture and home office

Guell Palace

  • Built in the late 1880s, the mansion is another Gaudi design

    Built in the late 1880s, the mansion is another Gaudi design

  • Pipe organ, if you are lucky, you can hear a song performance

    Pipe organ, if you are lucky, you can hear a song performance

  • Designs of the palace doors, floor tiles and ceiling

    Designs of the palace doors, floor tiles and ceiling

Palau de la Musica

  • This magical concert hall was established in 1908 and now has a capacity of more than 2,200 seats.

    This magical concert hall was established in 1908 and now has a capacity of more than 2,200 seats.

  • Central stained-glass skylight known as the Sun fills the theatre with natural light

    Central stained-glass skylight known as the Sun fills the theatre with natural light

  • A closer look at the stage. The lower bodies of the sculptures are made of colorful mosaics

    A closer look at the stage. The lower bodies of the sculptures are made of colorful mosaics

  • An experience to behold. I was compelled to purchase a ticket to Grigory Sokolov's piano performance

    An experience to behold. I was compelled to purchase a ticket to Grigory Sokolov's piano performance

Park Guell

  • My visit to Park Guell started at the top right beside the three crosses. The view from there was spectacular

    My visit to Park Guell started at the top right beside the three crosses. The view from there was spectacular

  • Gaudi's House

    Gaudi's House


  • Montjuic is vast with many places to visit and explore I spent an entire day exploring

    Montjuic is vast with many places to visit and explore I spent an entire day exploring

  • Poble Espanyol is an open-air architecture museum filled with activities and many corners to explore

    Poble Espanyol is an open-air architecture museum filled with activities and many corners to explore

  • Poble Espanyol is an open-air architecture museum filled with activities and many corners to explore

    Poble Espanyol is an open-air architecture museum filled with activities and many corners to explore

  • Poble Espanyol is an open-air architecture museum filled with activities and many corners to explore

    Poble Espanyol is an open-air architecture museum filled with activities and many corners to explore

  • National Art Museum - medieval artists had a thing for drawing violent acts

    National Art Museum - medieval artists had a thing for drawing violent acts

  • Fantastic view outside the national art museum

    Fantastic view outside the national art museum

  • Montjuic Castle - a military castle overseeing both the city and the see

    Montjuic Castle - a military castle overseeing both the city and the see

  • Montjuic Castle - a military castle overseeing both the city and the see

    Montjuic Castle - a military castle overseeing both the city and the see

  • Montjuic Castle - a military castle overseeing both the city and the see

    Montjuic Castle - a military castle overseeing both the city and the see

Random Highlights

  • Barcelona Aquarium

    Barcelona Aquarium

  • La Boqueria market

    La Boqueria market

  • Camp Nou

    Camp Nou

  • Catalan History Museum

    Catalan History Museum

  • Catalan History Museum

    Catalan History Museum

  • Catalan History Museum

    Catalan History Museum

  • Barcelona Cathedral

    Barcelona Cathedral

  • Barcelona Cathedral - a proud goose

    Barcelona Cathedral - a proud goose

  • Ciutadella Park

    Ciutadella Park

  • The Gotheborg - Swedish Ship

    The Gotheborg - Swedish Ship

  • Gothic Quarters

    Gothic Quarters

  • MacBeth - Musical performance in Gran Teatre del Liceu

    MacBeth - Musical performance in Gran Teatre del Liceu

  • Picasso Museum

    Picasso Museum

  • Barcelona Zoo

    Barcelona Zoo

  • Barcelona Zoo

    Barcelona Zoo

  • Barcelona Zoo

    Barcelona Zoo


  • Seafood Paella

    Seafood Paella

  • Patatas Bravas

    Patatas Bravas

  • Oxtail


  • Catalan Crema

    Catalan Crema

  • Fried Cod and Potatoes

    Fried Cod and Potatoes

  • Fideo - Catalan Paella

    Fideo - Catalan Paella

  • Spanish Omelette & Tomato Bread

    Spanish Omelette & Tomato Bread

  • Grilled Squid

    Grilled Squid